Towarzystwo Edukacji Antydyskryminacyjnej / Anti-discrimination Education Society

The Anti-discrimination Education Society (TEA) was founded in 2009 by persons involved in anti-discrimination education. The Association brings together over 50 persons who specialize in this area among others, women and men who are anti-discrimination trainers, initiators of equality and diversity projects, members of organizations supporting groups threatened with discrimination. In our work, we meet representatives of various groups: representatives of public administration, labor market institutions, trade unions, police, education sector, business, media, NGOs, and finally individuals. We conduct educational activities and researches for these groups to counteract unequal treatment and in deepen understand processes connected with combating discrimination and promoting tolerance.

TEA's activities are directed to individuals and institutions engaged in formal and non-formal education in Poland. We create solutions for:

•    teachers,

•    educational institutions - Ministries responsible for education and science,

•    education superintendents, teacher training centers,

•    trainers of adults and youth,

•    institutions involved in non-formal education